For Love 21 Purchases

I did some more damage to my wallet gahhh. I justified it in my head though xD

I love love love love love rings. I wasn't planning on buying anything when I went to the mall, but while my mom was trying on some shoes at Easy Spirit, I wandered to For Love 21. I'm not exactly a fan of the clothes from Forever 21 but I really like their accessories. They're cheap yet trendy :) For Love 21 is therefore perfect for me, as they only carry accessories!

I picked up these 2 rings on a whim. I saw the double finger star ring and immediately grabbed it...I used to hate strongly dislike double finger rings but for some odd reason, I now love them :P I decided to also buy the turquoise heart ring...I saw a girl wearing it there and really liked the shape/color, so yeah....I bought it :) AND I DON'T REGRET IT. Or so I keep telling myself.......xD

1 comment

  1. Cute new rings, I love the accessories from F21. Very trendy and affordable.
