Goodbye Borders :(

Gahhh this summer heat is killing me....-_- Going out for family bike rides every evening isn't helping either!

Anywayyyy since it's been so hot lately and since there's nothing to do at home, I've been going out with my mom and brothers a lotttt. Free air conditioning, anyone? xD

Did you guys know that every single Borders store is closing? I can't believe it...I've grown up with Borders! I remember when I was younger, my parents would often take me and my brothers to Portillo's. Since Borders was nearby, we would always go to Borders afterward and spend an hour or so reading there. And now it's going to be gone :( Since I got an email from Borders saying that everything in their stores is on sale, my family decided to check it out as we still had a lot of Borders giftcards. We went in and....

It was absolute chaos -_-"

Everything was of course on sale (ranging from 10%-40%) and there were a ton of colorful signs all around the store. The thing that gave me a headache, however, was the amount of people running around, grabbing books here and there. Not to mention there were a bunch of tiny little kids swarming around...don't get me wrong, I love little kids, but not when I am about to trip over them.

Anyway, I did buy a book and a magazine. The magazine was a lucky find- all magazines were marked as 40% off, so the magazine area was almost completely empty. All of the fashion magazines were gone...or so I thought, until I walked to the cookbook section and found a Teen Vogue magazine on the bottom shelf :D I like to read fashion magazines, so I bought that. I also bought this cookie and biscuit bible, since I really do enjoy baking and discovering new recipes. Hopefully I will be able to try out at least 5 recipes from the book before school less than a month -_-

Edit: Everything is now at least 20% off! Also, they are receiving new shipments daily so be sure to stop by your local Borders :)

1 comment

  1. Boo about your book shop closing! Im glad you were able to snag some books before they were all gone though! =D Not to mention that their clearing out their entire inventory! New shipments daily! If you do manage to try new goodies from the cookbook remember to share here, I'd love to see your pastries/sweets!
