Harry Potter!

In about 2 hours I will be watching Harry Potter! I'm personally not a fan of Harry Potter; not at all. Plus I haven't seen the last 4 movies in the series....nevertheless, since it's the very last one, I'm going to see it with some of my friends :) Plus I love Emma Watson haha. I pre-ordered my ticket just in case, although I think "convenience fee" of $1.75 is bogus -____-

Also, I went to work today for four hours. I basically either have to take inventory of various sports equipment or clean baseball bases. I opted for the latter. Even though taking inventory sounds easy and so much better than cleaning dirty baseball bases, it's surprisingly not. You have to take the equipment out of the gym bags, and a bunch of dust poofs out. The bags and equipment smell super gross, like sweat and other nasty things. Then you have to take everything and haul it to the storage rooms.

Cleaning the bases, on the other hand, is cleaner and more fun. All I had to do was fill a bucket with bleach and water and scrub the bases. Plus, the other guys who worked with me were easy to talk to and before I knew it, 4 hours were up.

Plussss my dad took me and my brother out to Chick-fil-A, my favorite fast food place! Their chicken sandwiches are the absolute best :D

One hour and 32 minutes until Harry Potter~!

Edit: Ehh the movie was alright. The movie started at about 2:30 and my friends decided to meet up at 2. Even though we all bought our tickets in advance and got there half an hour early, when we went in, 70% of the seats were already filled, and there were already people lining up for a later showing! Crazyyy. The movie itself was decent, they followed the book well and there were some really funny moments. There were also some sad parts- tons of people around me were crying and sniffling. I was probably the only dry eyed person haha...I have never actually cried during a movie before, not even during The Notebook, which my friends can't believe. I'm actually an extremely sentimental person, but for some reason I have never cried during movie! Well, then again, I did get teary eyed while watching Pixar's Up :)

Edit (2): Okay, now that I think about it, it was pretty darn good. There were some great moments and some extremely touching moments- the scene with Snape and the flashbacks? Super sad :/ Like I said, I didn't cry, but I was still touched haha.There were also some really awkward funny moments...like Voldemot's hug..and his laugh... xD The kiss between Hermione and Ron was also awkward but funny, everyone in the theater laughed when it happened!   Overall, GO WATCH IT. :)


  1. OMG HARRY POTTER! It's like my childhood is coming to an end hahaha but I hear there might be a sequel? Anyways bf and I are thinking about doing a crazy harry potter marathon before watching the last one since I finished the books so long ago I don't remember anything and bf isn't too huge of an Hp fan anyways =P

    I cried like crazy when I watched Up too~ Like omg, how can they make someone die within the first 10mins of the movie!!!! It sounds like work was fun today! Those are the best days, where you don't even know where time went! =)

    Thanks for entering my giveaway btw! <3

  2. I'm the same with movies! I'm actually a very sentimental person and yet, I never ever ever cry watching a movie. It's really weird. I didn't cry during The Notebook either. :o!

    I'm not a Harry Potter fan either. I only read the first book in 5th grade and never really got into it. I saw some of the movies, so I think I might go see the last one too. Just for some closure, I guess? Haha.
