
I'm very picky about who I share my blog with. I believe only a grand total of 5 people that I know in real life know. They are the people that I trust, the people that I know won't judge me for posting "silly" things like hauls or makeup reviews. I'm sure everyone remembers high school and how judgemental people can be.

But I've come to terms that fashion, makeup, and photography are my passions. I even recently decided to (maybe) pursue a career as a editor-in-chief or the creative/art/photo director for a fashion magazine :)

So I want to know- do you guys post the link to your blog on sites like Facebook, where anyone can see it? Or do you only tell your closet friends, or simply no one at all?


  1. I don't tell my friends at all! I've told only my closest friends that I have a blog about makeup, but I've never shared the link to them.

  2. To tell the truth I used to worry about little things like that too. I know that there are people around me who are always judging me for spending money. It's beyond me why they would even care about how I spend the money that I make. I mean it's not like I'm spending THEIR money so why would they care, right? And they're the type of people that likes to go out to the club and go to the bar every weekend. If we were to compared what they do regularly and how I shop they probably spend more money than me. However, I would never complain about how they're spending their money like they do to me.

    And I've seen witnessed first hand when a friend of mine made fun of her cousin for doing YouTube videos and whatnot. It was horrifying to see and hear because the things she said was just awful.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that you will always encounter people that are going to judge you without any reasons. However, you shouldn't let those things bother you because at the end of the day they're nothing but words. People deliberately say those things to hurt you or make themselves feel better. If fashion, makeup, and photography are your passion then you shouldn't let little petty comments affect you.

    To answer your question, I post my blog on my Facebook, Twitter, etc. so anyone who looks at my information page have access to it. My best friends know about my blog since they're also beauty enthusiasts too. Some of my friends or I guess "acquaintances" knows about it also. They don't say much about it to me but I know they talk about it behind my back because I've heard about it from a few friends present at the time when they say those things but I don't let those things bother me. I find it kind of amusing that what I do with my life is such a big deal to them. Plus it's even more amusing whenever the people that are always criticizing my blog comes to me and ask for advice on particular beauty products or just on savings while shopping in general.

    You're an amazing person, Jessica (even if I don't know you). Don't worry about those little things. BTW, you won my Revlon giveaway because the girl before never email me her address so hurry up and email me yours!

  3. Kind of know what you mean, for my current blog only my close friends/bf know but i also do have a private blog that i display on fb (but not shown under my blogger profile) so i rkn that way is maybe best ^^

  4. Hi Love,
    Thanks for following! You have such a cute blog! From your question, I don't put the link on my facebook, but I posted on my twitter. Only my close friends and BF knows about it but I honestly don't care if anyone finds out that I have a blog, simply because I love blogging and its a great way to express/show your thoughts on beauty, fashion and your daily life! I mean later on I'm pretty sure other ppl will find out about me blogging but who cares right? I have so much support from close friends, BF, and your follower/readers! Blogging is like your own diary where you can share everything and ppl that has a blog are very friendly and supportive! I have met such great friends here that support what I purchased and my thoughts on the products even though they might not agree on it but they are supportive. If you like blogging don't let anyone get in your way because I'll support your blog! Blogging is just like other ppl that have Xanga (remember this back then?) and tumblr.I hope this helps and never let anyone get in the way of what you LOVE doing! I love blogging and received many support from friends, BF, and MAINLY my blogger friends. =)

  5. I also don't tell anyone about my blog, I accidently let it slip out once and now a few friends know >< but Im glad to say that only about 5 ppl know now =) I think I just like to keep some things private, if my blog every goes huge then I'll let people know but I doubt that's ever going to happen hahaha

    P.s I like your blog! =D

  6. Mallory pretty much said all that I was going to say!

    My closest friends know about my blog and they think it's pretty cool. There are a few acquaintances that know about it too and even they have started blogging. The only person I don't want seeing my blog is my boyfriend. He's only seen my make up collection once but I think if he saw it again right now, he'd flip out LOL.

    I use Twitter to publicize my blog & for personal use but it's essentially how I introduced my friends to my blog.
    I hardly use Facebook so I don't advertise my blog through it. Plus, some of my family members are "friends" with me and it'll be really annoying if they knew I had a beauty blog. Some of my aunts already ridicule the amount of cosmetics I have so if I can escape further ridicule, I will take the easy way out!

    I'm not too afraid of people finding out about my blog though. Why should I be embarrassed about making friends & writing about things that concern beauty enthusiasts?

  7. Only my CLOSEST friends/siblings know about my blog. I can't really post it on my Facebook because my blog has my twitter on it and sometimes I don't think about what I tweet about and it might be targeting someone who is friends with me on Facebook. However, my coworkers found my twitter and so they know my blog too. So I try even harder to not post anything that would cause drama (I guess?) on my blog, which is fine. I am hopefully going to be able to use my blog as part of my resume one day so the more clean and well-kept I keep it because I fear who is reading it, the better.
