OOTD and Weight Loss Goal

Hi everyone! Here is my OOTD...it's sort of a bumming around outfit IMO. Nothing fancy; instead, it's extremely casual and comfy. I apologize for the super blurry picture; I'm still trying to figure out how to use the self-timer so that the auto focus is on me and not the background :/

Top: American Eagle / Bottom: Indigo Rein / Shoes: Minnetonka 

Also, as of today, I'm going to set a weight loss goal. I have gained a considerable amount of weight since entering college and I need to lose some of it. I hate how fat my face/legs look in pictures now :( My goal is to lose at least 5 pounds by the end of the school year. I'm going to start keeping track of what I eat each day, starting tomorrow, (and post it on here to keep myself accountable kekeke) and exercise a lot more ><" Wish me luck!

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