Urban Outfitters Ombre Fringe Tank

I love love love love love love love love Urban Outfitters...too bad the nearest store is 40 minutes away, not to mention the fact that the shipping rate is $10 >:( So when UO offered free shipping for 3 days, I of course took the opportunity to buy a gorgeous top...I wanted it a longgg time ago but the retail price + the shipping fee = ridiculous so I didn't buy it. I'm super happy I bought it at a great price and with free shipping! :D

Gahhh I love this top so much! The tank is so soft- it feels like suede and is ridiculously comfortable. It's loose fitting so it's perfect for the summer time....and it was only for $15 :) When I wore it to school, I received tons of compliments...even from complete strangers passing me in the hallway. Which made me love the top even more than I did before (if that's possible!) The only thing that irked me was that as you can see in the photo, the fringe strings are uneven. But it required a simple solution- I simply knotted the ends of the longer strings and you honestly can't even tell that I did so. So overall, I'm ridiculously happy with my purchase. Unfortunately the tank is currently sold out.

Besides the amazing quality of the tank, I can't even tell you how excited I was to receive the package only 3 days after ordering it...I thought I would have to wait at least 5 days!

I wouldn't hesitate to buy anything from Urban Outfitters the next time they offer free shipping....cute clothes and an affordable price range? Yes please :)

1 comment

  1. Im glad you had a good experience with urban outfitters! I know how painful it is to order something and then wait for it to arrive! *ugh* painful! lol
