
Last night was the last night of small group :( The small groups change each year, and I'm extremely sad that I won't be in the same small group as these wonderful people next year. I see them as my family, which makes it harder to say goodbye to them, knowing that some of them might be in a different state or country next year. 

But the last Tuesday small group meeting was really nice. Aside from a great time of sharing and hanging out, we also got to enjoy some good food :) 
Giant pot of milk tea (or what's left of it)
I'll choose milk tea over coffee any single day

Semi-dead lettuce 
Cutting the almond tofu :D
Almond tofu with lychee
Chocolate covered strawberries
I think I ate 10 of these hehe

I think I gained like 5 pounds just from last night -_-" I couldn't stop eating the delicious food :)

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